

最近日記をiPhoneの音声入力で書いているんだが、英語で音声入力しようとすると英語の発音の悪さに凹む。 wait on the bus this Rhonda Brown Wait on the office around and round We loaned the bass this round and brown we own the bath this round and brown. We are on the van says round and round Weed on the bus this round and brown we were on the bus system Brandon brown we are on the vastness the wrong Devon brought home We on the bus that’s the wrong damn phone We are on the bus this and round and round We on the bus lead ween ween ween ween ween who you are you are you we are on the bus Kwedar on the bus is Rhonda Brown The weed in the bus is running around The weed on the bus is Rhonda and round round and round Queen on the bus is round and round The whole wheel in the bus is round and round The weedeater in the bus The wheel on the bus is running wrong The weed on the bus is running around in The Wayne on the bus is Brandon brought The weed on the boss is wrong wrong The wheels on the bus is running the ball The wheels on the bus this London wrong The wheels on the bus is round and round The wheels on the bus is round and round The wheel on the bus is around her mouth The wheel on the bus is round and round

精度高いと評判のiPhoneの音声入力で、満足いく結果が得られるまでにどんだけかかってんだよ。まぁ歌の文句なので、平叙文とはちょっと違った感じがあるのかもしれないがそれにしても。いや、今調べたら正しくは「go round and round」だから、文法的な問題なのかな。いずれにせよ英語の勉強になります。



大根食べたらぐんぐんぐんセガ伸びたー(音声入力ママ) 娘が自分の好きなものばかり食べているので、新しい皿を食べるたびに「○○食べたらグングン背が伸びた-」という歌を歌ったら、割と喜んで食べた、という他愛もない話なのである。 メロディは「The wheel on the bus go round and round」という英語の歌。


資金負担 Burden of funds